Ordering info

This page contains VERY important info about our ordering process. We try to make it as simple as possible.

If you are new to microgreens we invite you to visit our FAQ page

swiss chard microgreen

Grown to order

Unlike other food products that can be put in stock in anticipation of getting sold, microgreens are meant to be enjoyed as fresh as possible. Our microgreens freshness can be enjoyed within 10 days of harvest which is the date on our package.

This is the reason why we grow our microgreens to order. Since they are grown in a 10″ x 20″ tray, we will likely end up with extra package. In this case we will donate any extras to our food bank.

We try to make as simple as possible to order our microgreens. your order will be delivered to your door at no extra cost. In order to keep our delivery run as efficient as possible, we have to pool together orders and we also need to know how much microgreens to grow.

We count on you for the first 3 steps then we take it from there!